Nov 13, 2009

Welcome Message from Government Tourism Office Director

Welcome Message from the Timor-Leste Government Tourism Office Director :

As you probably know, Timor-Leste is still undergoing a reconstruction and development process. The recent past was difficult and hard, but in Timor-Leste we are all strongly confident and committed towards building a better future.
Tourism, the world’s Peace Industry, will be one of our tools to ensure economic and social sustainable development. Raising Timor-Leste’s tourism to quality-level standards is our goal!
This web page will be the starting point for those who wish to visit Timor-Leste, a useful working tool for tour operators and travel agencies and a source of information for tourism investors.

In time, the Turismo de Timor-Leste web page will be updated and improved. Visit it often and decide to come and visit Timor-Leste, The World’s Newest Nation.
Seja bem-vindo a Timor-Leste! (Welcome to Timor-Leste!)
Miguel Lobato

1 comment:

  1. Greetings to our brother. Hopefully your country's tourism will grow.
